Honk & Holler Coming to the Minnetonka Stage. Minnetonka Theatre presents one-act play.

Since 1984, Minnesotans have made their way to Lake Minnetonka for the unique frozen golf event, the Chilly Open to celebrate the winter season.

While we all may be feeling the wrath of the Polar Vortex, as Minnesotans, we can't be contained!
A pride and joy of Minnetrista, Gale Woods Farm is known by fans as an educational hotspot that offers crafting classes, and this holiday season is no exception.
As we enter another Minnesota winter, local libraries and bookstores offer numerous story-time gatherings to provide an escape and prevent the little ones from going stir-crazy. Visit hclib.org for more information.
Known for showcasing local talent, the Minnetonka Center for the Arts and the Burwell House get into the holiday spirit this November by transforming their displays.

Sick of hearing about dogs yet? Well, apparently the lake community is on the same page as I am because this fall has been all about the events for the pooches.

Lace up your sneakers! On October 5, Groveland Elementary School hosts its fourth annual Tonka Trot. The event features 10K and 5K races and a 1.5-mile fun run; every penny raised goes directly to benefit the kids and classrooms at Groveland.

We know Minnesota isn’t Hawaii, but we do have something in common with the Aloha State. In addition to lots of water, Minnesotans have taken up a surf sport that’s growing in popularity around the world.
This August, families will hit the stores for back-to-school shopping—which these days is not an inexpensive outing. “Even though the lake area is fairly affluent, there are still families in need,” says Lisa Floeter, family advocate for the Western Communities Action Network (WeCAN).