
Most read articles of Lake Minnetonka Magazine 2022.

Lake Minnetonka Magazine's 2022 Year in Review. Readers wanted to meet their neighbors this past year.

Readers, you voted for your favorite businesses in a bunch of fun categories this year, from restaurants to doggy daycares to fitness spots.

We all know the expanse of Lake Minnetonka (22.7 miles, if you needed a reminder). So when the masses of ice covering the lake start to break up under the warm sun, it’s clear that spring has truly arrived.

Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase usually translated as “repair of the world.” It speaks to the idea of human responsibility for correcting wrongs and healing wounds.

Lake Minnetonka

Minnesota winters are storied, partly because of the sheer cold and mountainous snow, but also for the beauty of it all. Think of the frosted trees, cool-toned sunsets and shining frozen lakes.

Tracie Bea Daum’s Excelsior photography business is focused on families and kids, and she has three perfect subjects right at home: her own children.

After hunting for senior living with his father—a frustrating process—designer and developer Daniel Anderson was determined to craft something better. “A condominium is just a glorified apartment,” Anderson says.

Walking along the water in downtown Wayzata one evening last April, Wayzata resident Nelson Hill came across an image he had to stop and appreciate.

Every year, Lake Minnetonka Magazine accepts photography submissions from the community for the annual Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest. The photos are submitted in five categories: Activities & Events; People & Families; Pets; Wildlife & Nature; and City Landmarks.

At the end of long summer days, Deb Zeller enjoys taking leisurely walks around the grounds of Parley Lake Winery, taking in the fresh air and setting sun. “I like to stroll the grounds, especially as the sun starts to get lower in the sky,” Zeller says.


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