Lens on Lake Minnetonka: The Moon and Stars

Lake Minnetonka
Photographer Bob Israel captures a frozen Lake Minnetonka.
First Place Activities & Events by Bob Israel

Minnesota winters are storied, partly because of the sheer cold and mountainous snow, but also for the beauty of it all. Think of the frosted trees, cool-toned sunsets and shining frozen lakes. This month’s featured photo is a snapshot of that scene: 2017 Lens on Lake Minnetonka winner in the Activities and Events category, Under the Moon and Stars, by Bob Israel. Israel was inspired by “the combination of the moon and stars,” he says, and wanted to “capture the nightlife of ice fishing.” He took the photo with a Sony a7R II camera. An avid traveler, Israel was a recipient of a Traveler Magazine award for landscapes. In addition to his day job, “periodically
I sell a photo or two,” he says. Lucky for us, he’s also a multi-time winner in our annual photo contest.

To see more of Bob Israeel's work, visit his website, RJI Photography.