Lake Minnetonka Magazine's 2022 Year in Review. Readers wanted to meet their neighbors this past year.

Every alphabetical list of the nearly 3,000 victims from the 9/11 attacks starts with the name Gordon Aamoth, Jr.

The beauty of Lake Minnetonka Magazine, in my estimation, is partly due to the monthly marriage of words and images, wonderfully brought together thanks to our writing team, contributors, photographers and art department.

Instagram hashtags have been around for a bit—#eatlocal, #playlocal, #shoplocal and on they go, but 2020 and into this year, the need to support local businesses and service providers was undeniably underscored in an urgent way.
Whether I’m scrolling through social media or picking up a magazine, I am always drawn to the “best of” lists. Having those recommendations can make life a bit easier. Let me share with you my can’t-live-without home organizing products.

In 1961, Sybil Lynch founded a nursery school at St. David’s Episcopal Church, and just four years later, St. David’s Center began serving children with additional needs.

Our Savior Lutheran Church and School’s 25th annual Easter egg hunt is going COVID-friendly with a drive-through event between 10 a.m.–1 p.m. April 3 at the church/school parking lot, 23290 Highway 7 in Excelsior.

April 2 marks World Autism Awareness Day. The entire month is known as National Autism Awareness month and works to spread awareness, promote acceptance and ignite change, according to the Autism Society.

Earlier this year, our readers’ choice online survey sought your input regarding which restaurants, retailers and service providers you like best in the Lake Minnetonka area. Your votes have been counted and the top three finalists in each category are listed here in alphabetical order.

For over 50 years, a gas station has occupied the corner of Water and Third streets in Excelsior. In another lifetime, a noble two-story brick building held the spot.

After women won the right to vote in 1920, the Woman’s Club of Lake Minnetonka (WCLM) made sure its members and other women in the community were educated about politics, so they could make wise decisions at the polls.
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