Lens on Lake Minnetonka: Siblings. Photogenic felines capture second place.

You might recognize Abbey Holden’s work if you’re a fan of Lilly Pulitzer’s colorful clothing and accessories. Holden, who grew up in Deephaven, has worked on designs for Pulitzer.

Minnetonka artist Pratibha Gupta concludes her stunning solo show this month at the Hopkins Center for the Arts, and we caught up with her to find out more about career and inspiration—which the self-taught artist finds all around her.

For local artist Deb Kirkeeide, art has been a lifelong journey. A graphic designer by trade, Kirkeeide has found her niche painting animals and nature. “I always loved animals and exploring in the woods,” she says.

When you hear about the accomplishments of local band The Excelsior Turtles, you might be surprised to find out the members aren’t middle aged, but middle schoolers instead.

Lake Street is home to Wayzata’s newest art gallery, Burnet Fine Art & Advisory, which opened in September.

When you’re out on Lake Minnetonka, do you find yourself fantasizing about the beautiful boathouses? What would it be like to watch the sunset from that porch? Who built that lovely, old, Japanese pagoda-style boathouse? What does that rustic boathouse look like inside?

In our modern world of stuffy galleries, “do not touch” signs and mass-produced prints, art can feel distant and unfriendly. But local artist Matt Swenson, founder of the Minnesota Art Truck, sees art differently.

During the holiday season, the Minnetonka Center for the Arts transforms into a haven for crafts and gifts.