
Les Mis at the Blue Water Theatre

It’s been a minute (OK, since 2015) that we last visited with Charlie Leonard, founder, executive director and artistic director of Blue Water Theatre Company (BWTC).

The Mothers, A Novel

Brit Bennett was only in her mid-20s when The Mothers, her debut novel, was released. She took the publishing world by storm with this book, which seemed as if someone with many more years of experience had written it, and was a finalist for multiple prestigious book awards.

Evan Abrahamson painting from series: Eulogy for Beauty

“I used to dream about opening a floral shop with vintage curated clothing,” says Art Girls co-founder Hollie Gaines. “For me, it was a recipe crafted with aromatic scents and a sweet nod to creating a signature style. This oil painting stopped me in my tracks.

Float Plan

Anyone who’s missed traveling will enjoy vicariously exploring the Caribbean through the pages of this novel. Float Plan’s heroine, Anna, struggled with grief since the death of her fiancé and desperately needs a change.

reading Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson

Do you have a favorite quote from a book? Are there words that you can read over and over and still find fresh layers of meaning? Recently, I found myself drawn back to words written by E. B. White (Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little).

The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty

In honor of this month’s “Best of” theme, this book is one of the best breakout novels of the last decade. Breakout usually refers to a book from an author who’s been publishing for years that finally hits it big.

Burano by Peter Wong

Tucked away 40 miles north of Venice, Italy, is the quaint fishing island of Burano, known for its brightly colored painted homes. Legend has it that the homes were painted in bright hues to help the fishermen find their ways home when the lagoon was blanketed in fog.

Boat reflected on lake water.

Reflections placed second in the Activities and Events category of our annual photo contest, Lens on Lake Minnetonka.

Ava Tellier strikes an impressive pose.

Inspiring young ballet dancers to achieve excellence through their technique and love of the art, WestMet Classical Training in Long Lake provides preprofessional guidance to students interested in pursuing a serious career in concert dance.

Matthew Gaulke portrait of Prince

“I said now, overcast days never turned me on, But something about the clouds and her mixed.” –Prince, poet, musical genius and lover of Minneapolis
