Lens on Lake Minnetonka: Siblings. Photogenic felines capture second place.
Lights, camera, Nancy! Stages Theatre Co. is about to warm your chilly January days with Fancy Nancy: The Musical, a family-friendly production.

Minnetonka resident Matt Swenson’s creativity is sparked when he is presented with a box of junk—yep, junk. An executive coach by day, Swenson wanted an outlet where he could channel his creativity.

To those of us who live here, Lake Minnetonka means home. To some global music fans, however, it might mean funk and jazz.

As Minnesotans, many of our rites of passage involve the water: First fish, first sunrise over the lake, first time on a boat, and so on. But for many lake-area folks, the first time jumping off the Arcola Bridge over Crystal Bay is a big one.

Susan Robinson had always been grateful for her upbringing in the Minnetonka area, but she had never considered how important the foundation laid in those early years would be throughout her life.

What kind of society would we live in without policing? This season's Lowertown Reading Jam kicks off with a new performance, "A World Without End, Amen," created by artist Irna Landrum, centered around this fundamental question.

It’s the true story of four rock ’n’ roll legends in their early years: Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and Jerry Lee Lewis, recording together for one time only under the mentorship of Sam Phillips at Sun Records.

This spring, more than 20 local artists shared their work with visitors at eight different homes and studios that were open for the tour.

As a couple, Jen Westmoreland Bouchard and Michael Bouchard seem to be a study in contrasts. They prioritize international travel yet live in a house that’s been in Jen’s family since 1958.