
Selling Selby

Sometimes less is more, especially during holiday gift-buying jaunts. While shopping malls have their place in the retail landscape, stores with overly culled merchandise might cause shoppers to come down with troublesome cases of retail ennui. There’s an antidote. Three venues, smartly tucked into 526 Selby Ave., each offer unique experiences—and together, they provide shoppers and clients with carefully curated items and thoughtful service blanketed in warmth.

Naked Ninas Nutrient Bar Read more about Selling Selby

Online Shop Haven Maven Sells Garage Sale Finds

Minnesota summers bring roasted marshmallows, ice cream trucks, construction zones and garage sale season. Three years ago, Nancy Boone Muller decided garage sales were not solely for Minnesota’s sunniest season. Rather, they can be held year-round. “It’s much more convenient. Not just for myself, but for customers. They can access it any time on any day, no matter what the weather is,” Muller says.
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