Lake Minnetonka restaurants

A Roundup of the Best Seafood Dishes in the Lake Area

We've all heard of the seafood diet - "I see food and eat it." But seriously, if we had to subsist on seafood for the rest of our lives, we'd happily do so. We live in the perfect place for such a regimen: Our local eating establishments have some of the freshest, most delectable seafood to be found around these parts. Here's a roundup of the best catches from the briny deptchs, for your fustatory pleasure. Read more about A Roundup of the Best Seafood Dishes in the Lake Area

Review: Exciting Spring Dishes and Flavors in Lake Minnetonka Restaurants

Open your eyes! Shrug off the slug! Smell the breeze! Spring is here—the calendar says so—even if the weather won’t cooperate. It’s time to shake our plates and palates out of their winter stupor. That means we should lighten the load on our dinner tables, ditch the comfort food, try something new and revel in spring flavors. Our area is rich with opportunities for culinary adventure, flavor, lightness and love. So long, hibernation coma—hello spring! Here are some of our snappiest, springiest finds.

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Review: Five Classic Dishes from Lake Minnetonka Restaurants

Wine critic Michael Broadebent once said, “Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.” Well, Mr. Broadebent, we think you hit the nail right on the head. When it comes to pairing food and wine, many of us stick with what we know. But with the right information (and recommendations) your palate will soon experience a world of culinary perfection it never knew before. Read more about Review: Five Classic Dishes from Lake Minnetonka Restaurants

Review: Lake Minnetonka Restaurant Dishes for Foodies

Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain once said, “To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living.” We’re sure the foodies of the world couldn’t agree more. While we surely appreciate the classics—think juicy cheeseburgers and slices of salty pepperoni pizza—there are an abundance of nosh worthy dishes in the lake area for all those adventurous eaters out there. Read more about Review: Lake Minnetonka Restaurant Dishes for Foodies


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