Lake Minnetonka dining

Review: Five Classic Dishes from Lake Minnetonka Restaurants

Wine critic Michael Broadebent once said, “Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.” Well, Mr. Broadebent, we think you hit the nail right on the head. When it comes to pairing food and wine, many of us stick with what we know. But with the right information (and recommendations) your palate will soon experience a world of culinary perfection it never knew before. Read more about Review: Five Classic Dishes from Lake Minnetonka Restaurants

Review: Lake Minnetonka Restaurant Dishes for Foodies

Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain once said, “To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living.” We’re sure the foodies of the world couldn’t agree more. While we surely appreciate the classics—think juicy cheeseburgers and slices of salty pepperoni pizza—there are an abundance of nosh worthy dishes in the lake area for all those adventurous eaters out there. Read more about Review: Lake Minnetonka Restaurant Dishes for Foodies

Eight Lake-area Restaurant Dishes for Restrictive Diets

From vegans and vegetarians to the gluten- or dairy-free, for those with certain dietary restrictions, ordering food out can turn into a difficult task sometimes. But luckily, the Lake Minnetonka area has a bounty of restaurants serving up mouth-watering dishes for any type of diet—and maybe even those picky eaters in the family. We’ve scoured the area and found a little something for everyone, so grab your fork and dig in!


Lago Tacos Read more about Eight Lake-area Restaurant Dishes for Restrictive Diets

Lake Minnetonka’s Family-Friendly Restaurants

January is hardly picnic season. As families are cooped up indoors at dinnertime, it can be hard to keep things interesting, especially for kiddos. If your culinary creativity is wearing thin, don’t give in quite yet to the frozen pizza!

We’re lucky to have a gaggle of kid-friendly eateries in the lake area, so grab your loved ones and get out of the house for a true family dinner. We’ve rounded up our favorite spots, whether you’re out with the kids or just a kid at heart.

Punch Pizza Read more about Lake Minnetonka’s Family-Friendly Restaurants

Review: Lake Minnetonka's Best Light Meals

’Tis the season of nonstop overeating, and already you’re starting to feel like the butterball turkey’s cousin. Your fat, sugar and salt intake is off the charts, yet unhealthy food seems impossible to avoid. How can you resist your neighbor’s special yuletide cookies? And it would be sacrilege to pass up the family’s traditional eggnog.

Accept the fact that there will be decadent consumption, but consider countering the calories and making up the nutritional values with the inclusion of lighter, healthy meals. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Read more about Review: Lake Minnetonka's Best Light Meals

Recipe: McCormick's Small-bite Chicken Rolls

McCormick’s is an Irish pub, and a delightful one at that. The food exceeds expectations, pushing this pub into the realm of gastropub, a place to enjoy a pint that also has finely crafted, thoughtful and creative food.

The chef at McCormick’s continues to surprise and seduce us with flights of fancy, always including a few small bites to prepare the palate. Patty and Tim McCormick were generous enough to share the recipe for one of their favorite nibbles. Read more about Recipe: McCormick's Small-bite Chicken Rolls

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