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MacPhail’s Sonomento and the Adath Jeshurun Congregation’s Synagogue Choir is collaborating with the Twin Cities’ Jewish Chorale to perform the Minnesota premiere of Ernest Bloch’s greatest choral work, Avodat HaKodesh (Sacred Service). These local choirs of over ninety combined voices will perform the Minnesota premiere of Ernest Bloch’s unique and transcendent choral cantata, Avodat HaKodesh (“Sacred Service”) in Hebrew. This premiere performance will feature a 45-piece professional orchestra and baritone guest soloist Daniel Gross under the musical leadership of Craig Fields, director of MacPhail’s Sonomento.

For tickets, visit​

Discounts for youth/students will be made available.

The Details
March 3, 2019, 4:30 p.m.
Tickets range in price from $18-$54 based on seating zone.