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Carol Connolly’s April event features not just writers, but people who publish and teach literature. A retired lawyer. A short-story writer who always fills the room with laughter. Throw in a Minnesota Book Award genre fiction finalist. Who could say there’s not something for everyone? 

The event provides a space for emerging and established artists and brings people together around the craft of writing and the power of the spoken word. 

Carol Connolly has hosted this reading series for over sixteen years. This year, the event supports, by passing the hat, “Saint Paul Almanac,” which celebrates and documents the city’s history and diversity; its creative forces; its residents’ memories and current experiences; and the ever-changing urban landscape.

Linda Back McKay works with writers and poets of all ages and leads a variety of classes at the Loft Literary Center. 

Mike Murphy is a retired international business lawyer. He has taught English at St. Olaf and Macalester Colleges. His new collection of poems is “Songs of Crocus Hill.” 

Margaret Hasse’s new book, “Between Us,” will be released later in 2016. She facilitated a workshop of poets whose work is anthologized in “A Little Book of Abundance,” coming soon from Redbird Press.

Richard Broderick is the author of several collections of poetry and short fiction. His newest poetry collection, “Jesus of Walmart,” will be released in May of 2016. 

Emilie Buchwald has had poetry and fiction published in Harpers and the American Scholar. She also has a book of poems coming out in September (Nodin Press).

Local writer J.D. Radke collaborated with Chinese activist poet Sheng Xue to tell a story about China in reverse. “Levon A” is their poetic novel and is sold at Common Good Books. 

Lisa Zhang Wharton is an award-winning short-story writer. She took second prize in a WICE-sponsored Paris Writers Workshop. “Last Kiss in Tiananmen Square” is her first full-length novel.

D.B. Moon is a genre fiction finalist for the 2016 Minnesota Book Award. D.B. loves a town that prides itself on meat raffles and hockey fights. That’s a place anyone would be proud to call home.

Members and non-members are invited for dinner at the University Club. Reservations are made by calling 651.222.1751. The bar is open before, during and after the 7:30 reading. 

Authors will sell books at the event. Cash and checks are accepted; money for books sold goes directly to the artists. 

Conversation is encouraged on the Facebook event page for this reading.

The Details
Tuesday, April 19, 7:30 p.m.