Lens on Lake Minnetonka: Siblings. Photogenic felines capture second place.

Owning a mortgage company as the economy tanked may not look like the beginning of success and opportunity, but it was for Ross Sveback. To occupy his time while unemployed, the St. Louis Park resident began blogging about things he enjoyed.

Woody, a sweet 1-year-old French Bulldog, is all ears as he waits for a ride on the lake. Owner, Mary Kay Mohs is unabashed in telling anyone Woody is "pretty cute."

Patty Carmody Smith is the local mixed-media artist behind the colorful creations of Carmody Art. From meaningful mosaics to sculptures with a story, Carmody Smith’s work is full of thought-provoking flavor.

I credit William Kent Krueger for helping me to get out of one of the worst reading "ruts" of my life. He's helped locally, of course, by the fact that all of his books take place on Minnesota's North Shore—with plenty of regional flavor thrown in to make all of us feel instantly at home

I credit William Kent Krueger for helping me to get out of one of the worst reading "ruts" of my life. He's helped locally, of course, by the fact that all of his books take place on Minnesota's North Shore—with plenty of regional flavor thrown in to make all of us feel instantly at home

“I captured this photo during one of the last sails of the season this past summer. With the waves reflecting off the hull of the boat and the glow of the sun peeking out from behind the sail, I leaned over the side to take this picture right at water level.
Looking to give back while benefitting our local arts scene? Stages Theatre Company is in need of volunteers for its annual open house September 25.
Marnie B. Karger is the Shorewood-based artisan behind Crafterall, an Etsy shop featuring carefully crafted paper art. Karger specializes in topographic and bathymetric map recreation, which depicts depth and detail through the use of multiple dimensions.

Platinum, rose gold and two-tone gold are a few of the engagement-ring demands Brian Walters has seen increase in his 25 years of custom-ring making.