Around Town

Nothing makes you want to get outside quite like the arrival of spring—and, as always, Minnetonka kids know how to celebrate.

Asked what’s new and exciting in the world of wedding invitations, Alexis Harsh of Wayzata’s Watermark Stationery was frank: “Oh my goodness! What isn’t new?”

I just wrote a comic strip, a couple of them actually, that were missing the most important part. The people. Any good story needs a protagonist, but in this green screen comic strip the protagonists are conspicuously absent.  

Four years ago, downtown Wayzata had an atmosphere of change. Lake Street was under construction, and many local businesses were forced to relocate.

Since 2011, thousands have attended Social Science, an age 21-plus night at the Science Museum of Minnesota offering interactive learning, food, drinks and music.

Technology can be a friend, but at times it can prove to be a fickle one, as Mound Westonka High School (MHWS) found.

In less than a year of planning, a simple idea sparked by a newspaper article led St. Luke Presbyterian Church to install 96 solar panels on its roof in October. This story begins with Lane Ayres, a member of the Sustainability Task Force of the church.
