Yoga Encore

Teacher Dar Kleberg challenges and inspires students of all ages.
Dar Kleberg, center, leads a yoga practice with students Alison Albrecht, left, and Phil Riley.

Bright and early on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings, you’ll find a diverse group of yoga students gathered at Williston Fitness Center in Minnetonka. Fifteen minutes before class begins, the room starts to fill with laughter and conversation, evidence that many of these yogis have practiced together for years. Yoga mats are spread out over the floor as men and women, professionals and retirees, millennials and baby boomers all gather for a practice centered on mind, body and spirit.

A chime sounds to signify the start of class, and attention shifts to the front of the room, where long-time instructor Dar Kleberg is ready to lead. At age 79, Kleberg is still picture-perfect proof of the health and wellness benefits of yoga. Kleberg is also the primary reason that this class is so popular. In addition to her impressive biceps and trim figure, she is also a natural teacher, one whose passion, gentle encouragement and humorous anecdotes mean that each student leaves feeling challenged and refreshed.

“Dar can out-plank everyone, even while talking,” laughs long-time student Trish Gardiner. But even more impressive to Gardiner is Kleberg’s ability to honor all aspects of the practice. “She really takes the ego out of yoga,” says Gardiner.

And Kleberg appreciates her students as much as they appreciate her. “It’s an absolute thrill [to teach],” says Kleberg. “I don’t think there’s anything that fills my day quite like yoga does.”

Yoga is Dar Kleberg’s encore career. She grew up in Willmar, Minn., and she and her late husband raised two sons; Kleberg has three grandchildren. In 1999, she retired from her job as a real estate agent in the Minnetonka area. Around the same time, she decided to try yoga as an alternative to the high-impact aerobics that had always been a part of her fitness routines. Her instructor encouraged her to continue her yoga practice, telling her, “You meet the nicest people in yoga.” Kleberg decided to follow that advice and enrolled in a yoga teaching course. As part of her schooling, she taught a practice session in 2001 at the Minnetonka Senior Center. “After I taught that first session, everyone said, ‘You’re not going anywhere,’ ” says Kleberg, who admits that she now knows she has a natural knack for teaching. She kept teaching, first at the Minnetonka Senior Center and now at Williston.

Two of Kleberg’s students from her first class are still members of her classes today, 15 years later. Gardiner, a newer addition to the group, says Kleberg connects with each member in class, and, just as important, helps classmates connect with one another and form friendships. An injury kept Gardiner out of Kleberg’s classes for a few months, and when she returned to her mat, Gardiner was delighted to realize how many fellow students had missed her in her absence. “I couldn’t believe how many connections I had made,” says Gardiner. “Dar has created a little community.”

Kleberg describes her class as “a sophisticated class for beginners,” and she is passionate about continuing to learn more so that she can teach more. “If anything has done anything for me in my life, it’s yoga,” says Kleberg. She loves guiding others, especially senior citizens, through this practice. “Seniors are just meant to be doing yoga,” says Kleberg. “In yoga, you are maintaining strength and you are stretching.” Kleberg’s commitment to ongoing education has allowed her to work well with a diverse group of students. “I know she is well-studied,” says Gardiner, who appreciates the amount of time Kleberg puts into researching, planning and preparing for classes.

As Kleberg continues to inspire, educate and challenge yogis in Minnetonka, one thing remains certain: “You really do meet the nicest people in yoga,” she says, “and I just love my people.”

Hatha Yoga with Dar Kleberg

Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45–9 a.m.
Sundays 8:15–9:30 a.m.

Open to the public; $8 per class.
Williston Fitness Center