
Doggy Bunk Bed Makes it Easier to Share Your Bed with Your Dogs

A golden retriever using a Doggie Bunk Bed

Plenty of dog owners share their sleeping space with their four-legged companions. Even though the bed is for the humans in the house, dogs tend to be, well, bed hogs when it comes to sleeping space. Thankfully, Patti and Pete Stoddard (former Minnetonka residents) have a solution.

The Stoddards own a Great Dane and two English springer spaniels, who love to be close to them in bed. It was enjoyable for the couple until the dogs started disturbing their sleep. “We’d end up in two separate bedrooms by the end of the night,” Patti says. “The dogs would take our bed.” Read more about Doggy Bunk Bed Makes it Easier to Share Your Bed with Your Dogs

Scaling Back

dog swimming in pool

Consider this: 56 percent of pet dogs in the U.S. are overweight, with 30 percent of those being obese, according to a 2018 survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. Those statistics increase the likelihoods of pets being diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease, cancer and arthritis, resulting in shorter and reduced quality of life. Read more about Scaling Back



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