The holiday season is here. It’s a time to think of others—both humans and pets.
Those of us with pets understand the human-pet bond is special. Pets are good company and are good for our heart and mental health. They also help us look outside of ourselves and care for other living beings. As a source of entertainment, they also keep us laughing with their little tricks or antics. In terms of physical wellness, taking a dog for a walk gives us an opportunity to be out in the fresh air and keep our bodies moving and in shape.
Knowing how your pet benefits you, consider sharing your pet with someone else. There is something special that occurs when you bring a pet into a home. People open up and maybe even share memories of the pets they have had in their past.
Consider asking a neighbor, someone living alone or a person from your church if they would enjoy a visit from you and your pet. The joy you and your pet could bring is worth the effort.
Also, in this season of giving, consider donating pet food to a local food shelf. ICA Food Shelf in Minnetonka and the Westonka Food Shelf are two local entities that take pet food donations.
Your kindness makes a difference.
Jackie Piepkorn, DVM, co-owns Westonka Animal Hospital and the Lake Minnetonka Pet Wellness Center. Learn more at westonka.vet.