Last Glance

Sunrise at the Trolley

Al Whitaker received an honorable mention for this photo, “Sunrise at Tommy’s Tonka Trolley,” in the City Landmarks category of our 2015 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest. “People might not actually consider it a landmark, but go up to anyone around town and talk about the trolley, and they’ll know what you’re talking about. That makes it a landmark,” Whitaker explains. “Plus he’s got great ice cream.” Read more about Sunrise at the Trolley

A Pop of Color

Matt Chapman, who captured this image of the aptly named “Christmas Barn,” says, “One of the things I love about my house is that I’m walking distance from downtown Excelsior, yet I have this country, rural feel looking out across my backyard. The old barn and horse stable look great in the morning light, especially during the winter months. I was drinking my coffee one morning and decided to grab my camera for a few shots from my deck.”

Using editing software, Chapman was able to highlight the red of the barn, leaving the rest of the photo in black and white. Read more about A Pop of Color

Last Glance: Lens on Loons

In “Loons on the Lake,” you can almost hear the call of our famous state bird. A loon sighting in Minnesota prompts pride—which might be part of the reason John Haug, who captured the photo, was the third-place winner in the Wildlife and Nature category of our 2014 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest.

Haug began taking photos 30 years ago when he decided to move to Europe for more than a year. Since then, he has always had his camera with him, and when he doesn’t, he says he usually regrets it. Read more about Last Glance: Lens on Loons

Photographer Mark Slick Captures History in the Making

Photographer Mark Slick embodies the notion of following your dream. “I’ve always thought you should follow your dreams and your passion,” says Slick, “and see where it takes you. In general, it’s taken me pretty cool places.” Right out of high school, Slick pursued his passion for visual art, earning a bachelor’s of fine arts in photography from Utah State. Read more about Photographer Mark Slick Captures History in the Making

A Long Way from Australia for Local Artist Kristi Abbott

Saint Paul artist Kristi Abbott has traveled far from her childhood roots in Sydney, Australia. Abbott’s father is a Saint Paul native, and she has spent a great portion of her life migrating between the two hemispheres in both her early career and now as a Lowertown artist.

Originally a graphic designer, Abbott returned to her family business in Australia and took the helm of the business for 10 years. “I was miserable and really unhappy,” Abbott says of the corporate world. In 2012, she resigned and decided to return to her artistic life. Read more about A Long Way from Australia for Local Artist Kristi Abbott

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