Stress Busters is Brightening the Halls of Wayzata High School

The daily pressures of schoolwork can add up, noticed Stephanie Weitz, a mom of Wayzata High School students. She thought high schoolers needed a pick-me-up, so she started the parent-run volunteer group Stress Busters. Funded by donations, the parents seek to make students smile through greetings, encouragement and treats.

“From granola bars to mints to friendly notes, each Stress Busters surprise lets our students know we are there, we care and they are supported,” Weitz says.

Dawn Smiley, mom of a Wayzata High School sophomore, says her son “appreciates the ‘always cordial’ amp-up” that Stress Busters provides. “It’s nice to know a large school like Wayzata takes students’ well-being seriously,” Smiley says.