Photographer Mark Slick Captures History in the Making

Photographer Mark Slick focuses on Lake Minnetonka culture.

Photographer Mark Slick embodies the notion of following your dream. “I’ve always thought you should follow your dreams and your passion,” says Slick, “and see where it takes you. In general, it’s taken me pretty cool places.” Right out of high school, Slick pursued his passion for visual art, earning a bachelor’s of fine arts in photography from Utah State.

While shooting photos of the art department for a school brochure, Slick came across students making pottery—and so, following his interest, he earned another bachelor’s of fine arts, this time in ceramics. Photography fell by the wayside when he found work as a potter right after school—until, after 24 years, it was time for a change.

Slick’s photography career is unique not only in his artistic approach, but also in his subject matter. His work doing underwater photography for nautical archeologists on the bottom of Lake Minnetonka (shown above) has given him a wider, historical perspective on his own photos. “Historians are always trying to find pictures of things,” says Slick.

And not just things, either: Slick strives to capture people participating in today’s culture. “It’s cool seeing pictures of New York City, but it’s cooler seeing pictures of guys working on the buildings,” says Slick.

Almost inadvertently, Slick has become a freelance event photographer as a result, working closely with companies such as Excelsior Brewing, and photographing races, restaurants and local bands. He takes pride in photographing everyone equally—race winners and participants alike.

Slick can be seen around the community, shooting at events (and sometimes for Lake Minnetonka Magazine). With his help and expertise, future historians will see exactly how much fun lake-area residents are having.

To see more of Slick’s work visit his facebook page.