A Long Way from Australia for Local Artist Kristi Abbott

Kristi Abbott shares her passion for the artistic life.
Courtesy of Kristi Abbott

Saint Paul artist Kristi Abbott has traveled far from her childhood roots in Sydney, Australia. Abbott’s father is a Saint Paul native, and she has spent a great portion of her life migrating between the two hemispheres in both her early career and now as a Lowertown artist.

Originally a graphic designer, Abbott returned to her family business in Australia and took the helm of the business for 10 years. “I was miserable and really unhappy,” Abbott says of the corporate world. In 2012, she resigned and decided to return to her artistic life.

Upon arriving back in Minnesota in September 2013, she moved to Lakeville, but found it to be rather “artistically isolated,” she says. Her search for the best location for artists drew her to Saint Paul.

Primarily a collage artist, Abbott created the Nursery Rhyme Series, six highly detailed collage prints. “I’ve always been interested in fairy tales and nursery rhymes,” Abbott says. “My goal was to create art for children that was educational, but in a fun way.” Available in book form from her website, Nursery Rhyme Delights features fun memory exercises, matching characters with their stories.

Abbott is showcasing her work at Lowertown’s Fall Art Crawl in October. More information here.