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Trillium Woods, a resort-style senior living community scheduled to open in summer 2015, is hosting a financial evaluation of retirement housing options presented by Calista Sievers, Finance Manager of Life Care Services from 10:30 to noon, Tuesday, Nov. 4 at the Trillium Woods Information Center located at 3300 Fernbrook Lane N Plymouth, Minn.

Financial planners, attorneys, CPAs and professionals in the financial management field are invited to attend the informative session. Attendees will learn about different senior housing options and the financial considerations for each, their financial value and the advice that can be shared with clients considering each senior living option. Special emphasis will be focused on the financial implications of choosing a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) and the difference between a Fee-For-Service CCRC and a Life Care CCRC.

A box lunch will be provided. Tours of the Trillium Woods Information Center and full size, fully furnished model apartment home will also be available. Attending CPAs will earn one CPE credit in the financial management field of study. In addition, certified financial planners will earn one credit hour. The senior financial event is free; however reservations are required by calling 763-553-7600.

The Details
Tuesday, November 4
Free, however please RSVP