Annual race celebrates 10th anniversary.
The 10th annual Bridgewater Bank Luck o’ the Lake 5K Fun Run and 1 Mile Run are set for March 19, and it includes options for racers of all abilities.
The event features a 9 a.m. start for the 1 mile run, and the 5K is set to begin at 9:30 a.m. The routes will run through downtown Excelsior and the streets of Greenwood. Sections of the race will bring runners along the shore of Lake Minnetonka.
After the races, there’s plenty to see, eat and drink in Excelsior for a (post) St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
Tip: Registration has some “gifty” benefits. Check the race website for details. For more information, visit excelsior-lakeminnetonkachamber.com or elmcc.org/luckothelake.