Local Moms Team Up to Transform Long Lake Cycling Studio

A cycling class at Moxx Cycling in Long Lake.
Two friends took a risk, partnered up and bought a cycling studio in Long Lake.

Passionate about their families, health and delivering a place for fellow fitness lovers to exercise in a fun way, Melissa Mulheran and her close friend and business partner, Amy Dyvik, decided to take over the boutique spinning studio previously known as Pedal Wild. They acquired the studio in Long Lake last August and began to transform it into their own space, which they’re now calling Moxx Cycling.

“For some time, both of us each had an instinct and dream to own a business someday. We just didn't know what it might be, and we definitely did not expect it to be with each other,” Mulheran says.

They attribute the success to the previous owners as well as the community, both of which have been extremely supportive and encouraging throughout the whole process. Since they saw such a focus on wellness already appearing in the Long Lake area, they were even more driven to contribute to others living their best, most healthy and fit lives.

“This studio is full of incredible people that show up every day striving to be the best version of themselves. We laugh, sweat and encourage our way through every ride,” Mulheran says.

They have completely remodeled and rebranded the space so it has a streamlined, clean and modern look. They’re also making sure they hire top-notch trainers who are committed to the studio.

“Sophisticated yet bold,” Mulheran says.

Mulheran gushes over the special bikes they have in their studio, called RealRyder bikes, which make this cycling space “wheelie cool.” Unlike many stationary bikes at similar studios, the handlebars move around as if you were riding a bike out on a path or road. This sensation ensures a full body workout since it engages your core and upper and lower body, as well as works on improving cardio and balance.

They offer classes that alternate between two different types of exercise, one with biking for 30 minutes, followed by strength training on the ground for 15 minutes, and the other where the entire 45 minutes are spent exclusively biking.

“We both bounce out of bed to head to a place that fills up our souls. The energy, dedication and loyalty of our members is truly incredible,” Mulheran says.

Their new name, Moxx, has a double meeting for the pair. They took inspiration from the word moxie, which means “determination and force of character,” and added a double x, which signifies the two women partnering and working together.

“The minute you walk through the doors, you feel something so special. It kicks out a vibe that makes you feel connected, appreciated and motivated,” Mulheran says.

As their business begins to grow, both women put a lot of emphasis on finding balance and living with intention in their lives. Since they divide their time between their families and their business, they make sure to nurture and grow each facet equally.

“This is a great opportunity to show our kids what strong and passionate moms can achieve,” Mulheran says.

The excitement and support from their members has truly kept the studio feeling full of love and makes both Mulheran and Dyvik feel as though they are true members of the fitness community, as well as even more connected to each other, as they navigate this life and business together.

“We complement each other so well and learn a tremendous amount from each other. This is just the beginning of the two of us chasing down our dreams,” Mulheran says.

Moxx Cycling
1865 Wayzata Blvd. #105, Long Lake