Health & Wellness
Sgt. Mark Geyer of the South Lake Minnetonka Police Department (SLMPD) is modest about the origins of the Citizens Police Academy he helped start two years ago. “It’s nothing too unusual for a citizens’ academy,” he says. That, however, is deliberate.
It’s time to bust out that yellow polka dot bikini and hit the beach. Whether you’re looking for sand and sun or entertainment and activities for the kiddos, this guide has you covered.
The Commons Beach
“I know I sound like a broken record, but the word I always use is ‘profound,’ ” Colleen Haggar says. Haggar is referring to the Learn program at Cargill, where she is the work experience coordinator. The program pairs with the Hopkins, St.
To make Navarre a more walkable, bikeable community, a collection of neighbors founded the Navarre Community Initiative (NCI). The group meets monthly to address safety issues for walkers and bikers on county roads and suggests changes to city infrastructure to better accommodate these groups.
Minnetonka native Drew Steinke thinks of himself as different from many of his classmates. The Orono High School senior says he realized at any early age that he couldn’t sit back and wait for life to happen.
The sun-speckled days of spring draw near, and many Minnesotans are giddy with delight. However, this infectious cheer can easily turn to fear of springtime woes. What if your toes get run over by a rogue rollerblader on one of Plymouth’s many walking paths?
Minnetonka’s own PeopleNet—a provider of onboard computing and mobile communications systems for fleet management—was the winner of the Minnesota High Tech Association’s 2012 Tekne award in the Technology Service and Consulting category.
As seasons change here in the heartland, so do the outdoor activities of active Minnesotans. Frozen-water sports like skating, skiing and ice fishing give way to running-water sports like canoeing.
As retired master gardener and long-time Mound resident Julie Weisenhorn recalls how she got her start in gardening, she laughs at the irony of her childhood—one spent indoors, watching her mother pulling weeds in the sweltering heat, wondering, “Why would anyone ever volunteer for that?”
Professional photorealistic painter David Holmes says he’s always doing things to inspire his children. That’s why he created a chalk drawing of the Mona Lisa on his driveway last summer.