While studying abroad in Venezuela, I, along with other students, would take overnight buses to the coast. It was there where I discovered cacao trees, which give us chocolate and is found growing as an understory tree.
Food & Drink

Thanksgiving Side Dishes With A Twist On Tradition. Shake up your Thanksgiving feast with comforting and colorful side dishes that put a twist on tradition.

Treat Students to a Slice of Home This October. Give college-age students a boost with healthy(ish) snacks from local bakers and makers.

Pre-Trick-or-Treat Snacks to Curb a Sugar Rush. Trick or Sweet

Specialty Kitchen Shop Shares Abundant Recipes in New Cookbook. Cookbook serves recipes that are “tasty and quick.”

Herbs are one of my all-time gardening favorites because most of them continue to grow and produce all season long. I’ve taken to growing more than I can use because I love their appearance; I even grow some herbs only for their blooms.
Minnetonka Orchard Opening for the Season. Everything you need to know about what’s new at the orchard and how to pick apples locally.

Heathy Lunch Ideas for Kids. Pile school lunches with healthier, kid-friendly ingredients.