Anywhere Ab Work

Dana Ketter of Steele Fitness shares five at-home exercises.
Dana Ketter helps keep you in shape anytime, anywhere this holiday season.

In the New Year’s resolution frenzy of January, Dana Ketter of Wayzata’s Steele Fitness shares with us five quick and easy exercises you can do anytime, in the comfort of your own home.

5 Exercises + 10 Minutes to a Stronger You!

  1. Hip kicks: Laying on your back, raise both legs to 90 degrees, lifting from your hips only. Then lower them, bringing your legs as vertical as possible without swinging them and pressing your heels in the direction of the ceiling. Rest your shoulders flat on the mat. Start with 30 seconds and increase over time.
    Area targeted: core, lower abs
  2. Bicycle Cross-overs: Once again laying on your back, time with your hands behind your head, bring your knees toward your chest and raise your shoulders off ground. Cross your opposite shoulder and elbow to the opposite knee while extending your other leg out. This move has bicycle in the name because your feet should move in a slow, pedaling motion; but it isn’t a race! Take it slow and be in control while crunching.
    Area targeted: Core, obliques, legs
  3. Front plank: Begin on your forearms and knees. Then, roll your shoulders back and come up onto your toes while pressing your heels back as well. Your body should be as parallel to the floor as possible; your back should not dip down or be raised too high. Proper posture reveals a good burn in your core. Hold it for as long as you can, and then work on increasing the duration over time.
    Areas targeted: Core, back
  4. Side planks with hip raises: Lie on your side with your feet stacked, and allow your bottom forearm to support your body in a plank position, pulling your hip off the ground. After raising it, lower it slowly. Repeat this 15 times and then switch sides.  
    Areas targeted: Core, arms, back
  5. Burpees: Start standing and then lower down into deep squat with your hands and feet on the ground. Using your hands to balance, jump your feet backwards so that you are in a push-up position. While keeping your core tight, jump your feet back up towards your hands, then jump up with both arms extended fully overhead. Repeat ten times and work to increase your repetitions over time. Want more? Add a pushup in-between leg jumps. Too much? Try stepping legs back one at a time if jumping is too difficult at first. Areas targeted: This is a total body workout.
  6. Stairs: Stairs are a great in-home workout tool because you can easily control the incline and therefore the level of difficulty. Use them for lunges, side lunges and step-ups. Don’t be afraid to adjust the level of difficulty and speed. For an extra challenge, add some weight! Areas targeted: glutes, legs, core, arms (if you use weights)