Annual IOCP Fundraiser Supports Mission

IOCP’s Spread Your Wings gala provides support for community members in need.

This year’s Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners’ (IOCP) Spread Your Wings gala will be held at a new venue, the Minneapolis Marriot Northwest.  The annual fundraiser is a way for community members to show their support for the organization, which provides emergency and long-term solutions for people in need, from housing and employment to child care and transportation.

“Spread Your Wings will celebrate and fund our community’s great expectations for all of our families and kids,” says Donna LaDonna Hoy, IOCP executive director. The gala will be hosted by WCCO anchor and reporter Jason DeRusha, and will include both a live and silent auction, dinner and a message from one of IOCP’s clients about how the organization helped her create a new future.



June 20, 6–9:30 p.m.

Minneapolis Marriot Northwest, 7025 Northland Drive N., Brooklyn Park
