Small Kids, Big Hearts

St. David’s Center students donate to food shelf.
St. David’s Center students raised money to donate to ICA Food Shelf.

Finding the time and money to donate to a good cause isn’t always easy—especially when you’re a preschooler. But the smallest students at Minnetonka’s St. David’s Center did just that. “The primary idea was, ‘How can we help our community?’ ” says preschool teacher Rose Rustad. “You’re not too small to help.” Her students decided they wanted to make cookies for the police department and cupcakes for the fire department. After a quick lesson on how to make money for ingredients, they were off and running. After the goodies were made and delivered, there was some money to spare. They decided to donate the extra to the ICA Food Shelf.

To learn more about St. David’s Center, visit the St. David's Center website here.