Ski-Away Offers Weekly Women’s Ski Classes

Private women’s ski school offers weekly getaway to the slopes.

One winter’s day, a group of moms started downhill skiing together. Forty-three years later, Ski-Away alpine school offers weekly lessons to more than 100 students, with more than 25 certified instructors.

With a motto of “women teaching women,” Ski-Away, a private women’s traveling ski school not affiliated with any particular local ski site, includes weekly lessons at Afton Alps and Wild Mountain. Every Thursday at 8 a.m. from January 9 to February 13, women of all ages and abilities hop on a bus, enjoy some coffee and pastries, and head to the slopes for a day of skiing, instruction and camaraderie.

“People tell me there is no way they would be outside on the days when it is 10 below, but these women get on the bus and go skiing,” says Ski-Away owner Lezlie Pinske. “It’s like a badge of honor.” 

& For more information or to register online, visit