Refreshing Cocktail “Looks Just Like the Sunset”

El Presidente

I’ve chosen another novice-level cocktail for the Dog Days of Summer, and I thought it’d be good to hang onto the last bit of the season with a rum-based cocktail. 

El Presidente 

  • 1.5 oz. light rum (I like Don Q, Puerto Rican rum.)
  • ¾ oz. orange curacao
  • ¾ oz. dry vermouth
  • dash of grenadine

The dryness of the vermouth keeps this from being too sweet, so you can vary it based on preference. Pour all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake well, and strain.  Pour the mixture into a martini glass, and garnish with an orange twist. 

Kevin Castellano is a lake area wine and liquor expert.