Read the November 2022 Lake Minnetonka Magazine Digital Edition
In the walkup to this issue, I’ve been thinking a lot about tradition. It’s a reasonable line of thinking, especially given that November holds the place card for the beginning of the holiday season, which is rife with traditions by way of mealtimes, décor, special events and gift-giving. My interview with Minnetonka’s Ivy Chang, which you can find on page 40, also contributed to my thoughts. What began as a conversation about Chang’s traditional recipe for Peking Duck expanded into a discussion about the hows and whys of her traditional cooking and what, if any, incarnations that will take in the future with her extended family. (Is the next generation ready to take on a three-day recipe?)
Holiday traditions are also important in my household, but, as many parents of adult children know, those traditions start to evolve—and so they must as moves to other cities are made, marriages and new families are created and the needs and interests of family members take on new forms.
As my family continues its march into the future, I have two choices. Embrace change, or embrace change. That’s how I view it. While part of me is mourning the loss of some tenderly-held traditions and time spent together as the “original six,” another part of me is ready for a fresh take on our annual gatherings and to welcome more family members into the spirited mix.
And you know what? It might not be so bad to have someone else help drive the holiday bus (Most moms know what I mean.) and lead the charge when it comes to menu planning and organizing gatherings. But as for my role as Holiday Cookie Queen, I shan’t give up the crown!
From our team at Local, Happy Thanksgiving.
–Renée Stewart-Hester