We all know the excitement a British royal wedding stirs up, and one of the most pressing questions to be revealed is the designer of the bridal gown. Jennifer Robson’s latest novel, The Gown, cleverly crafts a fictional tale heavily based on research revolving around two of the embroiderers of then-Princess Elizabeth’s wedding gown. Miriam and Ann, both in need of a friend, find their lives forever changed by the excitement the royal wedding brings to the populace and to their workplace in particular. The present-day storyline follows Heather in 2016 as she searches for answers about the mysterious embroidery samples found after her beloved grandmother’s death. The Gown is a fascinating window into a lesser-known historical subject, and the both heartwarming and heartbreaking moments in the lives of these three women give the story an emotional center that makes this a memorable read.
Raela Schoenherr is an editor at a Minnesota publishing company. She loves to talk books and writing on Twitter at @raelaschoenherr.