Greg Gibson has been the board president of the Wayzata Youth Hockey Association (WYHA) for 17 years.
Greg Gibson has been the board president of the Wayzata Youth Hockey Association (WYHA) for 17 years.
Gretchen Fleener’s love of face painting started early. When she was 15, the Mound resident began face painting at Valleyfair during her summer vacations.
The word “maker” is one that gets tossed around a lot these days. It’s pretty trendy to say that you’re a maker, a word that allows for a vague definition of your job yet informs people that you’re creating something, whether it’s original music, organic eats or even Instagram stories.
In her first year at Orono High School, principal Amy Steiner says she’s enjoying the process of getting to know the students and staff. The kids “have all been really welcoming and really fun to work with,” Steiner says. “I’ve also noticed that they’re very inclusive.
The sweet spot for any business is the ability to fulfill a community need. And if that business helps people? Even better.
When Wayzata resident Leesa Anderson talks about her Gyrokinesis classes with friends, she is often met with blank stares.
Standing knee-deep in water on a warm August day, I ready myself to step out of my comfort zone and onto a log. Lured by a heart-pumping workout that tests stamina and grit, the throwback sport of log rolling is gaining in popularity among non-lumberjack types. I’m nervous.