This year, Mother’s Day is May 13.
Kids (and—ahem—dads), if you’re still trying to come up with the perfect gift … maybe don’t try so hard. Most moms couldn’t care less about traditional material gifts, like flowers or jewelry. Instead, what we really want (really!) is some time: Time with you, and time for ourselves to do a little recharging.
But don’t take our word for it. We asked Lake Minnetonka Magazine readers and community members to tell us, in their own words, about their perfect Mother’s Day gifts.
What do I want for Mother’s Day? To spend time with my children. To laugh with them, love with them and just be with them. Give me this memory, and I will have something to hold close and cherish forever.
—Meg Reichel, Minnetonka, IT consultant
Always a handmade craft or drawing from my kids. Time is fleeting, and they are only small for a very short time. I frame them and display them proudly in my office. Oh yeah—and a gift certificate for a massage to be enjoyed later, when said kiddos are acting not-so-angelic!
—Mamie Dews Kinzig, via Facebook
For me, I want a ‘day off.’ I don’t want to buy groceries, cook, clean, bathe kids or discipline. I want to instead enjoy some pampering (maybe by the kids/family, or a massage, yoga class or lovely meal) and feel appreciated for all that I am and all that I do. I don’t want or need any material gifts; I simply want to be loved, appreciated and cared for.
—Nicole Lovald, Excelsior, owner of Spirit of the Lake Yoga & Wellness Center
Just a day to myself to do house projects; mimosas and cinnamon rolls; and quiet! —Elizabeth Zappetillo Lewis, via Facebook
I think in each phase of life in motherhood there might be different ‘wants.’ When you’re a new mom, sleeping in and breakfast in bed would be huge! Right now, I’m a working mom, and I don’t see my toddler much during the week. So flowers in the morning, a hot cup of coffee, and then going out and experiencing something new as a family together and creating a new memory is what I would love. Experiences that create memories are always my favorite gifts. —Tiffany Kokol, Excelsior, photographer
Since losing my mother five years ago, my Mother’s Day tradition has become doing whatever I want that day and without my kids, who are adults. My children and I get together the following Sunday to celebrate together.
This gives me what I truly want, which is a self-indulgent day alone, and it allows my daughter, who now has her own child, to celebrate in her own way. —Natalie Webster, via Facebook
I actually really love the cute things my kids make me at school. They are always so proud to give their carefully crafted projects to me. As to how we spend the day, we usually make brunch at home and do something outside if the weather is nice. Kids and time are precious. Any chance to just be together is a gift. Oh—and Mother’s Day is the one holiday when I get to enforce No Screens, which I absolutely do! —Kim LeVahn, Minnetonka, chiropractic assistant