Happiness, Reinvented

Chuck Bolton’s new book offers a path to personal joy.

Orono resident Chuck Bolton is president and CEO of The Bolton Group, an executive assessment and development firm. Bolton recently self-published The Reinvented Me: Five Steps to Happiness in a Crazy Busy World, aimed at helping people live happier lives through a method of self-reinvention.

He had a job in the medical device industry that took him around the world, working with leaders and CEOs. “I saw what made them successful and what made them stumble,” Bolton says. This was the catalyst for his executive coaching business. Bolton recommends to readers five primary steps to reclaiming joy: reinventing mindsets; reinvigorating relationships; developing happiness skills; reclaiming energy, then time; and training vs. trying.

You can find The Reinvented Me: Five Steps to Happiness in a Crazy Busy World at amazon.com. Follow Chuck Bolton on social media for more life advice.

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