Here to Help

The Partners Group shows philanthropic side to their business practice.

The Partners Group, an insurance and investment firm, has recently found a home in Wayzata, a move that David Foster, a partner in the group, says lines up with their philosophy. “We’re committed to taking a personal interest in clients. We feel Wayzata is an ideal community to grow a relationship with in the very same way.”

An extension of the Partners Group’s focus on personal relationships is their philanthropic side. The charities the business gives back to are chosen by its clients and partners, which encourages authentic relationships of giving. Foster speaks warmly of the charity he donated to and visited in the past year: Second Mile Haiti. The organization serves as a 100-percent sustainable shelter that takes in both children and their mothers, while educating the mothers in a hands-on business program.

The Partners Group seeks to help their clients and the Wayzata community managing their finances, but their mission is something greater, says Foster. “Our job is to help clients focus on all of their dreams and passions, and part of this includes giving back.”

To join the Partners Group in their mission to give back, visit