Though this issue is technically our Homes and Entertaining issue, I want to bring a focus to the “giving back” aspect of so many stories that grace this month’s pages. In a community that is so often seen as thriving, those of us who spend our time in the lake area also notice that income discrepancies and poverty impact our hometowns just like any other area of the Twin Cities.
Did you know that a 2013 study by the Brookings Institution ranked the metro area ninth in the nation in terms of suburban poverty? Or that the number of suburban Minnesotans living in poverty more than doubled between 2000 and 2011? To help illuminate the issue, we’ve got a special feature that highlights a few of the great organizations that are helping our struggling families.
These surprising statistics shocked me and made me grateful for the spirit of giving back that I’ve seen demonstrated in the lake area. I encourage you to check out the feature, and get involved if you feel so moved. After all, it is the giving season, right?
Happy holidays,