Music Review: Ty Segall's Latest Shows He Isn't Slowing Down

"First Taste" by Ty Segall
On his latest, First Taste, Ty Segall shows that the quality of his work has not dipped despite the volume of music he has released.

We reviewed Ty Segall’s self-titled release (his second in a decade) just over two years ago. Since then, the California rocker has released four full-length records, plus another live album. At this pace, Segall will have put out over 100 LPs by the time he is Mick Jagger’s age. He may slow down… eventually… but I wouldn’t bet against him.

On his latest, First Taste, Segall shows that the quality of his work has not dipped despite the volume of music he has released. You can still find something new and exciting at each twisty turn (see: cool acapella number “Ice Plant.”) You’ll still find the occasional cacophony of chaos, but shouldn’t every good rock’n’roll record turn up the attitude to 11? Segall is continually reinventing his sound and never satisfied to simply repeat himself. Suggested listening for fans of T. Rex, King Crimson or Led Zeppelin.

Sean Schultz is a lifelong musician who enjoys consuming popular culture. He lives in Minneapolis with his wife, daughter and two dogs.