Minnetonka Resident Tracie Bea Daum Receives an Honorable Mention for Her Photo, Fish On

This snapshot was a favorite in last year’s Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest.

Remember this lake dock from our June issue’s Last Glance page? Minnetonka photographer Tracie Bea Daum is at it again, and her fishing family is reeling ’em in.

Daum took this photo, Fish On, in the Carson Bay area of Lake Minnetonka on a warm summer night last July, with her Canon 6D. It received an honorable mention in the People & Families category of our 2015 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest.

Daum explains that her husband and three kids, Penelope, Ava and Elias, spent about two hours looking for worms but came up wormless. No matter; they used a piece of hot dog and an unconventional bait method to catch their trophy. “The other two just ‘whistled’ for fish,” she says.

Daum takes family portraits professionally, so she’s mastered the art of the perfect shot, especially with kids. The key is to predict kids’ movements and understand how children react to things. “You have to either sell the idea and get them invested in creating an interesting photo, or just know human nature and have the skills to predict and grab those moments when they come,” she explains. What it really comes down to? Stay on your toes, photographers.

“It was just such a ‘Minnesota summer’ moment. I’m so happy that my kids got to experience that the same way I did, growing up here as a kid,” she says. She explains that while no fish were harmed during the photo shoot, “my youngest did cross ‘kiss a fish’ off her bucket list before releasing it.”

Don't forget: Starting August 1, we’re accepting submissions for the 2016 Lens on Lake Minnetonka contest!