Minnetonka Resident Eric Raarup Snaps Photo of the Winter Funk

A Lake Minnetonka spot showcases a typical winter scene.
Eric Raarup's award-winning photo.

In December 2012, Minnetonka resident Eric Raarup snapped the quintessential Minnesota winter shot: an almost iced-over lake. For Raarup and others, this sight signals the dawning of the winter season.

Raarup, who says he has “always leaned toward the simple images,” took this photo, which shows an eerie black-and-white background with the wooden dock jutting out onto Liz Lake. Despite the foggy chill, Raarup shot this particular scene before the first snowfall. “I thought it captured that bleak feeling,” he explains.

Armed with his trusty iPhone 5, Raarup aimed to snap a photograph daily during the year, although this particular shot was included in that personal challenge. He says his camera is always on hand, for moments and scenes such as this.

Raarup first became interested in photography as a college student when he practiced landscape photography. Once the digital age dawned, he says his photography hobby switched to a focus on digital photography.