Long Lake Sports Dome

Break out of winter cocoons with a visit to the newly opened the10 Sports Dome.

The10 Sports Dome: Where you can find 26,000 square feet of sports turf to play everything from baseball and football to lacrosse and soccer all year round.

Students and adults alike can brush up on their skills at the revamped facility in Long Lake, which opened last December because of Donny Mark, the10 Sport Dome’s manager.

You might recognize Mark’s name from his Minnetonka High School days before he became a NCAA Division I national champion at the University of Connecticut and joined the Minnesota Thunder soccer team. While visiting home after a stint in China running a sports clothing company and a youth soccer club, he says he had driven past the empty dome enough times and gathered some facts before he decided to open it, Mark says.

Indeed, the sports culture is lively around here, and students from Minnetonka, Wayzata and Mound Westonka high schools can find the less-than-11-mile drive to be well worth the opportunity to finally run around on a bright green field.

Mark hopes the10 Sports Dome “has something for everyone and will be a great resource for people in the community to stay fit,” he says.