Each month, we feature one of the winning photos from our 2019 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest. This month, we asked photographer Al Whitaker to tell us about “Sailing Into The Sunset,” which received first place in our Activities & Events category.
When and where did you take the photo?
The photo was taken on the evening of Wednesday, July 17th, 2019 while attending the Concert in the Commons in Excelsior.
What kind of camera did you use?
I took the photo with an Olympus OM-D E-M1 mirrorless digital camera. I used a Zuiko 40-150 mm f2.8 pro lens along with a 1.4 teleconverter.
What’s your favorite thing about the image?
What really caught my eye was the sail being half-lit by the setting sun. This provided a wonderful contrast to the background that was already in deep shadows. Contrast is a key element in photography, and I try to take advantage of it whenever possible. It’s the differences in contrast that creates the textures, shadows, highlights and clarity of a photograph.
Vote online in September at lakeminnetonkamag.com for your 2020 Lens on Lake Minnetonka readers’ choice photo contest winner.