Lake Minnetonka Magazine’s 2016 Prep Elite Students Give Insight Into Their Daily Lives

This year’s Prep Elite students are poised to change the world.

The jocks, the geeks, the preppies and the teacher’s pets? Not so much. Today’s high school seniors are busting stereotypes with their diverse activities and achievements. We asked lake-area high school faculty to nominate some of their brightest from the class of 2017 for this year’s edition of our annual Prep Elite feature, and the students we selected are true Renaissance men and women: athletes, scholars, volunteers, musicians and leaders. As they begin their final year of high school, they’re already making plans to change the world—just don’t try to stick a label on them.

Isaiah Cherrier
Mound Westonka High School | age 17

Isaiah Cherrier is a passionate and talented athlete. He’s led the Mound Westonka football and basketball teams as a captain for two years, and he runs track. In between games and practices, he also finds time to connect with and give back to his school community as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Mound Westonka’s Link Crew mentoring program.

Family: Mom, dad, younger brother Luckie, younger sister Ava, family dog Ranger, cat Victoria, and pet ball python Cleopatra.

Favorite subject: All science classes.

Hobbies: Playing sports for fun with friends, spending time on the lake during the summer, fishing and being outdoors and camping with his family.

Role models:
“Without a doubt, my role models are my parents. My mother and father had me when they were 17 years old, which is how old I am now. I cannot even think about how hard it must have been for them to juggle the responsibility of being a student and a parent. It was not always easy for us, because they were still in school, but they always made it work. Today, they are both successful adults, and I strive to one day have the power and courage to work through adversity like they do.”

Favorite high school memory:
Scoring his first varsity touchdown on Hadorf Field during his freshman year.

Post-grad plans: “After graduation, I plan to play college football, and I’m interested in majoring in kinesiology or exercise education.”

Fun fact: “I love reptiles and amphibians; I’ve been infatuated with them since I was little. When I was younger, I would spend hours and hours searching for them.”

Nate Pierstorff
Minnetonka High School | Age 17

Nate Pierstorff shines onstage and off at Minnetonka High School, where he works as a stage manager (and sometimes actor) for school theater productions, mentors freshman students in the First Mates program, and volunteers with the Interact Club. He’s also working on his Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts of America, and works part time at Bayview Event Center—all in a day’s work.

Family: Mom, dad, older sister Rachel and dog Bailey.

Favorite subjects:
International baccalaureate language and literature, and independent study in stage management.

Hobbies: “For the past four years, I’ve designed, created and run a Halloween haunted house in my garage, and I give most of my donations to charity.” Additionally, Pierstorff enjoys theater and stage managing—he spent five days in New York City earlier this year and took in six Broadway shows.

Role model: Sophie Carlson, who was a senior when Nate was a freshman, for providing guidance in stage managing and life in general. “We’ve stayed close friends,” he says.

Favorite high school memory: “Pippin was Minnetonka Theatre’s spring musical and it was the first musical I stage managed. I enjoyed having such a big leadership role, having a lot of responsibility and having a good run of shows.”

Post-grad plans: “I’m going to college, but I’m not sure where yet—maybe the University of Wisconsin-Madison—and I’m thinking about business, engineering, stage management or some combination of all of those.”

Fun fact:
“I like to be outdoors—running, hiking and being with my friends.”

Libby Rickeman
(Elizabeth) | Blake School | Age 17

Libby Rickeman is a state-champion tennis player (she’s earned five varsity letters on the Blake tennis team), a college prep English tutor for fellow high school students through LearingWorks, a Blake math team member and an advocate for victims of sex trafficking. Last year, Libby and a group of her peers raised more than $7,000 for a local organization, Brittany’s Place, that helps young sex trafficking victims recover.

Family: Mom, dad, older sister Abby and older brothers Matt and Tom.

Favorite subjects: Math and physics.

Hobbies: Playing puzzle games on her phone, watching Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds, and making crafts—especially birthday cards.

Role model: “My sister Abby (a senior at Washington University in St. Louis). I have learned a lot from her in life. Since we were young I’ve followed Abby around—from sports like tennis and golf to stealing her clothes, I did what Abby did.” Libby admires her sister’s honesty, compassion and work ethic. “I am so lucky to have Abby as my sister; she has helped me become a better sister and human being.”

Favorite high school memory: Winning the tennis individual state doubles sophomore year with friend and teammate Jane Fraley.

Post-grad plans: “I plan to go to college and play tennis. I’m interested in studying engineering or science, such as biology. I’ve looked at several colleges out East and am looking at schools that will be interesting and challenging.”

Fun fact: “I am a risk taker; I love Jet-Skiing and zip-lining—but I’m terrified of spiders!” Libby says she loves to drive alone while listening to music, hates the stresses of shopping, and dreams of swimming with a live shark.

Emma Sternberg
Orono High School | Age 17

Emma Sternberg is one busy senior. She plays varsity soccer and hockey (she’ll be a captain for both teams this fall) and is a captain of the varsity track team, is on Orono’s speech team and school senate, and is the head coach for a local Special Olympics track and field team. Emma, who is also senior class vice president and a member of Chinese club, spends time volunteering for other community organizations, too.

Family: Mom, dad, older brother Noah, cats Ben and Pink, and a chocolate Lab named Alice.

Favorite subjects: English and world history.

Hobbies: Rollerblading with friends, and baking—especially cookies and puppy chow.

Role models: “My parents, of course, are huge role models, but my best friend Grace plays a huge role in my life and has helped make me the person I am today. Whether it is schoolwork or sports, Grace always gives 100 percent in what she does and it pushes me to do the same. She is caring and kind to everyone, which helps me see the best in people. She has been my best friend since we were 3.”

Favorite high school memory: Winning the state soccer tournament sophomore year and being crowned freshman homecoming princess are just a few of the many moments that make Emma smile.

Post-grad plans: “I’m looking at Trinity College, Boston College and Villanova, and I’m interested in studying psychology or education. I’m still pretty unsure about what exactly I want to do in the future, but that gives me the opportunity to try lots of new things to see what I enjoy and [what I could do] as a future career.”

Fun fact: “My dad and I have a gin rummy marathon every summer.”