
There’s a lot to celebrate this month, and this issue takes a closer look at travel, food and wine. Wherever you wander, whatever you offer at your table, cheers to February!

“No matter what we grow up to be (celebrity, rabbi, circus performer, tattoo artist), we all have that shared experience of school lunch.” —Lucy Shaeffer, author, page 50

Read the digital edition.

“You don’t have to be a professional to make someone happy. You just have to earnestly try your best.” —Anwen Eslinger, volunteer with For Goodness Cakes

Read the digital edition.

“Lake Minnetonka is the most amazing example of nature’s playground, and we have the most unique opportunity to witness a stunning shift of seasons here—from humid sunny skies to ice crystals forming on our eyebrows.” —Perris Deppa, page 18

Read the digital edition.

“Make beauty a necessity, and that which is necessary, make beautiful.” –Helen Johnson, grandmother of Dureen Ruff

Read the digital edition.

"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul." –Alfred Austin, English poet and novelist

Read the digital edition. 
