On a High Note

Keys 4/4 Kids brings art and music together to inspire the next generation.
A little artist makes her mark on a Keys 4/4 Kids piano.

Local nonprofit Keys 4/4 Kids was founded to provide a service to under-served young people, but its innovative programs have also benefited area schools, businesses and residents. “This is truly a community project,” says operations director Carmen Mancino.

The organization fixes up donated pianos and gives them a new lease on life. Some are sold to fund the nonprofit’s programs, others are placed with families, schools, churches or community centers that could not otherwise afford them.

Every summer, the Pianos on Parade program places pianos painted by local children and artists in various outdoor locations for everyone to play and enjoy.

Keys 4/4 Kids
1326 Grand Ave.
Follow Keys 4/4 Kids on FB
Instagram: @keys44kids
Twitter: @keys44kids