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The Emily Program Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to education and advocacy in the prevention of eating disorders, is hosting its 1st Annual Gala titled unmaskED. The masquerade theme symbolizes the removal or unmasking of the secrecy, stigma and shame associated with eating disorders.

The event will benefit the Foundation and its mission to save lives, change minds and eliminate eating disorders. Through seminars, forums and outreach, the Foundation increases awareness for eating disorders, obesity, and body image issues among adults and young people. In addition, it funds citizen lobbying and public policymaking efforts, as well as advocates for greater access to care, research and improved prevention methods.

“The mission of the Foundation and unmaskED is very personal to my family,” said Mary Mathiowetz, vice president of The Emily Program Foundation Board of Directors and unmaskED Gala Chair. “Our story is one of openness and honesty – no secrets or shame. Not everyone can say that about mental illness, and that is what this event is about – making sure they can and do.” 

Attendees will have the opportunity to experience an art gallery inspired by eating disorders and recovery, as well as bid on a variety of auction items. The event will be emceed by Janel Klein of KARE 11 and include dancing to the music of the Bruce A. Henry Band.

Tickets may be purchased online at For more information, contact Sue Riesgraf at 651.379.6151 or email

The Details
Saturday, March 1, 5:30 p.m.
$125 per person / $1,000 per table