Excelsior’s Judy Voigt Englund often walks down to Crescent Beach on Lake Minnetonka in the summertime to watch the sunset. “This particular evening, I was enjoying the sun peeking in and out of the cloud bank and the rays of light emanating from the sun,” she says.
On this occasion, she captured the visuals with her iPhone 8, resulting in Waiting for Sunset, which placed third in the People and Families category of our annual Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest. “I love the transition from the blue sky to the orange along the water,” Voigt Englund says.
While nature provides the perfect subject, taking a good photograph isn’t always a given. “Sunsets can be tricky,” she says. “If you focus on the sun, it sometimes makes the sun too bright and rest of the image too dark. If you take enough photos at different settings, there’s usually one that’s pleasing to the eye.”