Calling All Firefighters

Excelsior Fire District is recruiting people to serve.

Joining the Excelsior Fire District as a firefighter recruit is a way to help save lives and serve the community. The district is looking to increase their numbers from the 39 current responders to the 50 total allotted in the budget.

The recruitment process begins with prospective responders meeting with captain Karl Narveson. During the meeting, prospects can watch training drills and meet current firefighters. Each recruit has to fill out an application and take part in a two-step interview process before being accepted into the program.

During the first two years of training, recruits will attend two classes to learn the basics of firefighting and need either emergency medical responder (EMR) or emergency medical technician (EMT) medical training. Upon completion of these courses, candidates have a one-year probationary period, after which they receive their badge.

Each responder—longtime firefighters and new recruits alike—spends two hours training every Thursday, as well as two to five hours a week responding to calls.

“Many of us put in more hours than the average because it is our choice,” Narveson says. “We enjoy the camaraderie of our fellow firefighters, and the opportunity to spend time with the public that is very supportive of us.”