Young Heroes

Seven students receive a Watershed Heroes Youth Naturalist Award in a special presentation.

Seven Blake Lower School students who banded together to improve water quality in Plymouth’s Mooney Lake were presented with a Watershed Heroes Youth Naturalist Award from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) October 5 morning during an all-school assembly.

Evan Rechelbacher, a fourth grade student at Blake Lower School in Wayzata, recruited six of his classmates for a water cleanup project in June. Inspired by a recent meeting of the Mooney Lake Association, Evan organized a storm drain stenciling and cleaning effort in his neighborhood.

The boys swept up 100 pounds of debris from 17 storm drains that empty directly into Mooney Lake, which is impaired due to excess nutrients. They also glued permanent stickers to the storm drains that say “No Dumping, Drains to Lake.” 

They will be honored at the 2012 Watershed Heroes Awards, held October 18 and the BayView Event Center. Learn more about the winners and the event here.  

-Information courtesy of the MCWD

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